My own experience Examples for employees
Are you ready for changes in your employment?
Are you preparing your next move?
Files crear y vender, be ready, options (empleo-autoempleo)
Cualidades cto, exp., tal, motiv. ser unico, resolver problem.
career plan, crear tu propia profesion biespecializada. Estrategia oceano azul.
network linkedin, get ready to move, links, jobs, email alerts WEEKLY EMAIL,
Are you preparing your next move?
- Reflect on your knowledge, experience, talents and motivation.
- Use your resources and combine them creatively.
- Plan your career development.
- See new options.
Files crear y vender, be ready, options (empleo-autoempleo)
Cualidades cto, exp., tal, motiv. ser unico, resolver problem.
career plan, crear tu propia profesion biespecializada. Estrategia oceano azul.
network linkedin, get ready to move, links, jobs, email alerts WEEKLY EMAIL,